Monday, February 1, 2010

The film I, Robot, Starring Will Smith - The Downfall of Postmodernism

I, Robot takes place in the future, where most people a personal robot to help themselves, with the daily life. The movie is starring Will Smith, Isaac Asimov similarly titled book is based.
In this futuristic world, all robots are designed with three laws to keep people safe and robot-wired:

1. A robot may not allow a human being or, through inaction, that a person is injured hurt.

2. A robot must obey human orders, unlesssuch orders would conflict with the First Law.

3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

In one interview has Will Smith (Detective Spooner) with posthumous notes Dr. 's Landing, the doctor explains that the end of these laws, even if they are perfect, is Revolution. Why? Why we can not guarantee our safety? Will we ever phase out the risks of everyday life?

The answer is: life isalways risky. For this reason, postmodern life that says, "and let live" is useless. Just "live" and "be safe" are inadequate living purposes. God designed us for more than just survival. In any case, security is an illusion. The only way to endure the daily battle of life is through courage and tenacious faith.

The logic is harmless, but daily life is illogical by nature. The only thing that resembles illogical, evil is illogical well. Sunny, the only robot developedwith a heart, described the larger masses of his colleagues as "slaves to logic." Sunny was able to lead his colleagues, because it was designed for something other than a slave.

This is the debilitating effects of postmodernism, that the sentence: "This is for your protection" can be used to justify everything. Viki justified their oppression of humanity with the assumption that it ensures the survival of humanity. But humans were created for more than just survival. Therefore, the prospect of"locked in our houses for the rest of our lives" for our own safety we dislike.

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