Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Beginning Signs, Wonders, and Miracles

Mary must have seen Jesus doing private signs, wonders and miracles and so decided He must share His ability with others. Why wine? What is the significance of water into wine? Wine affects your spirit and can cause your heart to sing and be merry. It is also a cleanser, relaxer, restorer and all round comfort if not overdone. Mary instructed the servants to do whatever Jesus said.

Six waterpots were used. Six being the number of man. We were carried in water in our mothers wombs and now Jesus commands us to be born again or be carried in spirit or new wine of the Holy Spirit. John baptized in water but Jesus baptizes in the Holy Spirit and fills us just like a waterpot to the brim.

"Draw some out now and take it to the Master of the feast." Jesus says in John 2:8. When people draw on spirit filled followers of Jesus it is like a sweet wine with all the benefits of peace and joy that we experience when we are filled to the brim. Signs, wonders and miracles do happen as a result of expecting from a person fully yielded and filled to the brim. As a spirit filled individual with the new wine of the Holy Ghost we must always get a refill after moving in the workings of the Lord.

We manifest His glory when we allow the Master to brim us up and draw on us to help others. This is happening 'big time' in Lakeland , Florida in the new outpouring of the Holy Spirit with the Todd Bentley team. Todd tells folks to come and receive or get filled up to take back to their nation and let others draw on them for their infilling for healing, needs, miracles,and comfort. The Holy Spirit is the Comforter.

The healing rooms springing up all over the world are manifesting the glory of Jesus as they pray and lay hands on the sick and crippled and diseased. Every person carried by the Holy Spirit can offer their time and prayers and laying on of hands to the lost and dying world. Refilling is a must and Jesus will see to it as He requires us to be continually filled with purpose for others.

Let there be a beginning of signs in each filled person to affect the rest of God's creation. Doing whatever Jesus tells us to do with each case and trusting Him to fulfill His word to never leave us nor forsake us. Amen!

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