Monday, March 1, 2010

Seven gifts of the Holy Spirit

One of the most important aspects of the sacrament of Confirmation are the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, which are based on the candidates, if they are sealed with the Holy Spirit, bestowed. The candidate accepted for participation in the confirmation that its mission is to witness to Jesus in their families and communities. Furthermore, the inclusion supported by the gifts of each candidate according to their order to be successful.

The gifts are wisdom, understanding, knowledge, strength, Council, piety and fearof the Lord are the seven gifts, although the gifts will manifest themselves on the candidates lives.

The gift of wisdom has the confirmed the gift of seeing the world when gods eyes and viewpoint. This will help us to understand the purpose of Gods plan for us and for the world. The candidate also has the ability to formulate a historical perspective and help have an enlightened view of history and how the present and the past work together and affect the mystery of the future.This is also known as speculative reason according to St. Thomas Aquinas, in Summa Theologica.

The gift of knowledge helps to confirm the use of thoughtful reflection and contemplation on the mystery of God. It also helps with the mysteries of the Trinity and the Catholic faith and, after the United States Catholic Catechism. This gift also helps draw the candidate to a meditative prayer, that is for God to open the candidate to lead them while they are just quietly listened.This is often practiced during worship. This is what Aquinas called practical reason.

The gift of understanding, it is the candidates themselves and learn how to help recognize themselves in God to grow. St. Augustine used the prayer "That I may know, I know myself." We are all made in God's image and how we are to ourselves, we also learn about God and know who he is. This is it, what Aquinas calls common sense.

The gift of strength is the courage known. The confirmed canThis gift is for Jesus and his teachings. According to Thomas Aquinas, this gift is the strength that is necessary to do good and stand up to evil. This gift is even more apparent when the good or evil is particularly difficult.

The gift of the Council known as the right decision and will support the completion of practical reason. And learns, after the candidates, although further research, as the candidate of true knowledge. Since this gift is growing and we are with moral dilemmas, we are more inclined tomake better or more moral choice, according to Thomas Aquinas.

The gift of piety is the reverence and respect we show to the Father. Respect can be learned from parents and teachers. This gift is often renewed during liturgy where it is a reminder to teach us is respect. Thomas Aquinas says, at the instigation of the Holy Spirit, we pay worship and duty to God as our Father.

And finally, the gift of fear of the Lord, we are the awe of the majesty of God. This is also what wegrateful for God's miracles and his love for the candidate. According to Thomas Aquinas, this is also the fear of separation from God.

According to Thomas Aquinas is the summary of the gifts that the first 4 gifts of the Spirit and in the last 3 direct the candidates directly to God makes confirmed a powerful messenger for Christ and his teachings.

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