Sunday, August 29, 2010

Avatar as Social Commentary - War, corporations and profits

I know I'm probably way behind you see the film Avatar, but I went and saw him last night and I was blown away by the creativity of the idea and the film. However, I found the message to a great social commentary, and be something very important for our time.

For those who have not seen the movie, I do not want to give everything away. However, the basic action that the person to a distant planet in the future and the proposition of a group of natives. ManMilitary, Actually that is funded by a company is to take the precious materials from indigenous people when they give up their land voluntarily, is taken by force, (being a metaphor of classical Spanish and American governments against indigenous peoples). But I think the film tries to move the conflict to a simple analogy of the past, but rather the danger of the military and corporate / profit-sharing interest. We all know that war is always money related.However, time is often much thinner than it was in the past when we can say openly.

Although I am not a big fan of George W. Bush, I'm not saying what he did with the war in Iraq was entirely for profit. I believe however, that the war was wrong, there were still some non-corrupt reasons behind originally. However, there are many connections and corrupt deals between the interests of society and the government suspected that at least (theThe most obvious is the direct link between Dick Cheney and Halliburton, which won the tender for billions of dollars really was the war effort and assistance in this recovery). The fact is, defense contractors and arms dealers want to happen to the war, because it means their profits will increase significantly. Oil companies also enjoy the fact that the U.S. has control over some regions, because it means easier access to oil reserves.

Again I am not a conspiracyTheorists, but Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned us of the military-industrial complex, and as creating a huge industry on a war would have an insatiable desire and need to build on other wars. As we know, in every war, struggle, war, but in reality the poor, often without any benefit for them. We must be very cautious, as the sole superpower the real world that does not allow the greed and corporate control our foreign policy interests (or for that matter, ourDomestic politics). This is another reason why I have the latest Supreme Court decision so disturbing, particularly companies more power over our government and its values, both nationally and internationally.

If you have not seen the movie, go see. I think it's one of the best films I've ever seen. But while there, be sure to bring not only the dazzling effects on critical social search is our visionGeneration.


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