Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Queen Movie Review

From the beginning, this film tells a very compelling, character-driven drama that, while centered around the lives of some of the most famous of the world, so it is founded, we think you will see the actual events. unfolding "The Queen" is a real triumph, brought an all-star cast, give one or two exceptions, it is considered that there are real-life people see on the screen. "The Queen" is about a monarchy, but is also a storypeople. The directors very successful in providing a window into their lives and to recognize that, despite their size, are still only reach the people, have great virtues, and make mistakes just like all of us.

The British royal family, including Princess Diana are / were some of the most famous people in the world. You always have a fascination for the place in search of us, but we never really gained an understanding of innerThe operation of this unique and historic family. "The Queen" offers us a glimpse into the world. We go behind the walls of Balmoral to see, react as Queen Elizabeth II and her family after the tragic death of Princess Diana. This is of course speculation, but given the amount of research "in the film that is evident in every frame shot, this film is a very good educated guess how it will respond next week. Eventually it was a lesson for the Queen to to modernize andand popular with the newly elected British Prime Minister Tony Blair, offering his advice and support, the queen is finally in recognition of public mourning for Princess Diana's death, though a little forced (public speech given by New Queen's in almost every detail, and shows the Queen his teeth when they discussed).

This film would not work if those who have an outstanding performance by Helen Mirren as Queen Elizabeth II. If you get a real senseYou're watching a real person, not an easy undertaking to do so because the Queen is one of the most famous people in the world, and is still alive for us to highlight. From there we get Michael Sheen as Tony Blair, who just so perfect, nailing every nuance of speech and mannerisms of the British prime minister. All performers are perfectly fine, even if it is not Alex Jennings as Prince Charles and back soft and low, sometimes funny (which can not be furtherthe truth ...). All around, but the actors are really authentic and gives you the feeling of watching real people.

Many of the settings are faithfully reproduced and there are some well-constructed movie newsreels inserted at different times during in Paris to give the feeling of authenticity, including several images of the real Diana and her last car ride in. Perhaps the only downfall of the film is that although the production design is great,seems like things are a smaller budget and as such the film feels at times like a made for TV-movie-movie than a big screen. It 's just a minor complaint, but as the force of history is by and large think attracted enough.

This film is very strong, hold deep in their life.


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