Friday, September 24, 2010

Rogue Assassin Movie Review

As an action movie "Rogue Assassin" (or, as the DVD in some countries is also known as "War does not disappoint). packed it through with some great action sequences, and two important steps in stars Jet Li and Jason Statham, redemption, there are a lot of fun, as you have their case be visible. As a story, this film tries really hard, a cut above the rest, but the director Philip Atwell never rises above the standard stock model of action and as a result ofentertaining film but with a little 'more work and refinement that could really put out of the park, especially for its charming end. Jet Li is probably never better in his role as "Rogue" Jason Statham is pretty cool and tough FBI agent Crawford, and the supporting cast do a decent job if two-dimensional with their characters (in particular Asian Triad that some of the characters never really rise above the stereotypes). In the end, "Rogue Assassin" plays like an action movie B-class;good as a DVD rental-end was a Friday evening with the boys, but nothing special that you never miss anything if you do not see, or do not want to see again, if you have.

The opening sequence is very well done. The election, Following a shootout instead of the beginning of a beginning, we find Crawford and His partners in an instant to decide whether or not to take a look at the events behind them. In a funny line, Crawford says, "okay, as long as we have only oneLook ", and then proceeds to extract a solid shotgun and makes it ready for business. Speeches after the triads, a partner of Crawford in a later scene is brutally killed by" Rogue ", a murderess sent by the triads. Crawford angry (although Statham capacity to act does not seem to extend beyond the news to reach down and breathing heavily, as he discovers that - is also convenient to wear a pair of sunglasses covering his eyes in this scene), and ratingsRevenge. The action lasts three years later, when Rogue Re-surfaces, but this time the killing of members of the organization, which he uses for work. Crawford now sees his chance to get even, but in the process, he becomes involved in a plot of war between the Triads, a puppet of someone who should not exceed. We also learn that Crawford does not know who he is and, perhaps the most interesting part of the story seems, is that the motivation and loyalty of main charactersactually move and rotate the entire film, to ask the left, which is the best and who the bad guys.

One can truly say that they went to a "usual suspects" type of delivery with this story, particularly towards the end when on the outside, Rogue is. I definitely started to see the film more like the last fifteen minutes, when the story actually has a fascinating across the line, but what I suggested so far. But I thinkthat something is missing in the second act, to build the idea that there really was nothing, as it seems. Unlike "The Usual Suspects" for example, their intricate successfully developed into a "wow" In summary, the twist ending in this film more attacked and arbitrary because it is not really anything difficult or mysterious line in history Leading deliver at this point no. It 'a shame, because the script only needs a little' work tothat it does. Or that, or director Atwell was more on action sequences and does not focus on the story can develop properly, as he says it was.

The action is top notch, the movie plays like a combination of 80 action movies where you see the blood, bones break, big hits and big guns and a Hong Kong martial arts film. This point, the film succeeds not brilliant, mixing the two styles very well. In the cinema of today, where will this kind of action film is not sowidespread as they are used, I had a feeling of nostalgia for the fun you can see a movie like this. Sure, violence is bad, but it sounds like a caricature of what happened, there is some incredible fun, all the rest. Sure, some of the bloodiest a bit 'over the top, everything from samurai swords, axes used (a rather unpleasant sequence at the end shows one of the triads in the arm saws Jet Li and fight!). Jet Li is excellent as the Martial Arts Assassinand there are many opportunities at the fair for him to do some spectacular moves. Jason Statham is also good if he only has a tough game (a scene in which he is a corrupt police captain very cold). It also gives a Nice Agreement between the American and Asian species mix in several departments, a nice gesture, appears with all the titles in the course of the film in Asian typography and then morphing into English.

"Rogue Assassin" is a fun, fun, if the trivial actionFilm.


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