Friday, October 1, 2010

Citations great movie - a Cliff Hanger (1993) The Persectuion

John Lithgow stars as Eric pain, a particularly mercenaries and psychopaths in Cliffhanger. In a particularly subtle in this film, he says, anguish, "You kill me, you know, Tucker Well, have a number and get in line." [1] captures a moving moment, in which another person might have felt less psychotic fear for their safety and well being - the pain was clearly disturbed.

It seemed to me a quote that applies not only to be psychopathicMercenaries, but normal everyday people like you and me sometimes, no matter how we try, we end up with enemies that are vindictive for no apparent reason. In times when people react like this only for the moment, and then cool and sometimes even later to apologize. But more bitter, not better.

It 's easy to be influenced by vindictive people. Malice and despite speaking a language very angry and fearful, and it's very clear what we might have missed ifSubjected to threats, whether spoken or implied. This is one of the downsides of smart and intuitive - feeling for the purchase, we will have another "bad faith, it seems at times, in double strength.

How can we respond to people who think evil and wrong for us to react, want, and convert it into a hateful behavior?

1. Do not give in to pressure and hard way.

2. Be respectful of the time - the malicious action to separate from the person who lack love. be tosupply.

3. How to choose the top, love (and forgive) your enemies. It is a choice and it is not really difficult if you know I'm terrified of being seen.

Jesus said, "If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you" (John 15:20) and he also said in the Sermon on the Mount: "Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God Blessed are the persecuted ... righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven ... Blessed are you whenYou insult pursued all manner of evil and wrong to speak against you because of me. "(Matthew 5:9-11)

Every time you look in every circle of life, to do the right thing, there is always resistance, and also leads the souls in danger trying to cast, would be met from the mud. If you are on the side of truth, justice and equity, and feel persecuted, you identify with the words of Jesus'. Are intrinsic truth.

We will meet with the opposition and all typesResistance on the road to good targets. Sometimes we get people in a good mood and sometimes not, sometimes we ourselves are causing problems, and we must ensure that, so that things go well, about as reasonable excuses.

Cliffhanger in pain was not really bothered to know that people wanted to kill him. And at some point, we are not concerned about the intention of man, interested enough to do what we should do, etc., but not worried and anxiousFind out more generally. What we do and the problem is far from good.

Copyright © 2008, SJ Wickham. All rights reserved throughout the world.

[1] Source:


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