Friday, December 24, 2010

Movie Review - Surrogates (2009)

Spoiler ..

From the creators of Terminator 3 is a film that portrays a future in any credible way, if the average person interacts with the rest of the world behind the veil of robot clones. A concept that, like to spend the identities of Internet today, the chilling similarity to the growing trend for hours behind the computer at work or at home, from social networking, gaming addiction, people simply can not seem to break away from their computers.In the film, however, is the psychology to the next level, where most people are not interested in being, they suffer from an improved version of themselves: young, in shape, decorated with superhuman abilities and strength. Unfortunately the film does not explore this aspect of the plot in any way. Instead, everything seems to be an episode of X-Files Agent Mulder with Bruce Willis.

Even worse, it is a fundamental flaw in the story.The two FBI agents trying to understand how people die of surrogate robots, if "die" and their surrogates who was behind the killings. Now they're doing the issue of death to a point where waiting for an answer and when it finally arrives, is vague and unsatisfactory. Instead, the focus is on why, but it never gives us. Coupled with a lack of character development by Ving Rhames, The Prophet (a terrible, terrible nickname, if I've ever playedhearing), the film begins to fall apart halfway through. The prophet is this leader of the Humanist Movement Revolution, for real people who deny the existence of substitutes in specific colonies in the world is life, not substitutes allowed. when do you find to be a robot surrogates are themselves the connection of the surrogate mother is not surprising, because his character has never had a chance on the screen. In fact, if I Ving Rhames I be upset. Hecould have a whole scene where he talks about his philosophy against the "surrogate mother" when Bruce Willis human colony came to talk with him. Bruce gets his ass instead of followers of the Prophet came and the ends of the whole occasion. Maybe it's the way it happened in the Graphic Novel? If so, then I would not be impressed with him either.

Another misuse of the area outlined at the beginning is that the creator of the surrogate, Dr. Cantor and his son Tom Greer (Bruce Willis) losesfeels that he has lost his son too. This creates a bond between them that history is moving. Eventually, though, Dr. Cantor is planning to destroy not only all the surrogates of the world to give humanity a lesson, but also all users. This makes no sense. For a man who lost his son and found solace in his relationship with Greer that billions of people to kill a sudden? It is perhaps not so suddenly - Cantor kills some people on the film,but that is superficial for the sake of rationalization Cantor real VSI, the company that manufacturers, markets and distributes surrogates. When Cantor was a man who has grasped, we have not seen the first picture, only after.

All this could have been forgiven if the dialogue was bad parts in particular), not all stereotypes, the movie (. Obviously, the moral lesson is clear: the first man. Hmmm, we did not get that in the Matrix? OI, Robot? OTerminator? Should I continue? Not that it's wrong, the tone of ethical dilemma, but the hard sell is inappropriate at this point. I would rather have focused on the characters than the crime detective work (especially because there are some experienced players in it, despite the circumstances, did a decent job). The plot in a film noir is already given by it when a film is a work of art.


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