Saturday, January 15, 2011

Legion, the film - because it is so dangerous

I went to the movies with my son and his friend last night. I almost did not go, I think that going to the hospital and spend some time working on the computer and hanging out with my dog, Spot, who is recovering from hit by a car just before Christmas. But at the last minute I decided to tag along to the theater. They decided, "the film" Legion - a kind of apocalyptic thriller.

In "Legion," God has repeated failure of mankind has become tired anddecided to once again destroy the earth.

"And I will establish my covenant with you, nor all flesh be cut off flow of water more, nor should it even more of a flood to destroy the earth."

- Genesis 9:11

True to his word, God sends a flood to destroy the earth. This time he sends his angels. The characters in the film, understandably, this error Demons Angels. After all, possess the bodies of people, distorttheir bodies have razor sharp teeth that go on walls and ceilings to kill innocent and otherwise do things that are far more demonic angel. But Michael is off the road. Yes, Michael, the archangel of God, which is apparently mutinied and come to Earth to try to save humanity from the wrath of God He not only on all the hosts of heaven (looking for all the world like evil spirits ), but the archangel Gabriel.

And plan Michael? ToSave a child not yet born. No, his virgin mother. In fact, it makes it very clear that it is far from it. No sweet, innocent type is Maria. She confesses at one point she even went to the clinic to abort her baby, but it was an overwhelming feeling swallowed up in darkness, who have interpreted as the way in which death must be stopped.

By the end of the film, Gabriel Michael, the loser, Charley (the mother), the child and Jeep, a rather simple man, is not itFather of the child, but the responsibility for the protection of Charley and her baby (think of the role of Joseph with Mary and Jesus) is at the helm in the desert with a truck full of weapons of mass destruction, waiting to raise the child and the world from darkness into light.

"Legion" borrows, of course, largely on the Terminator and The Matrix "film series." But my purpose here is not just a regular movie critic, but to highlight the many, many largetheological errors in this film. That said, I realize that the Creator did not try to Apocalypse in the Book of Revelation written to take the real, but I see a dangerous and disturbing trend of "Hollywood meets the Bible" film to be done in the past years .

I know I can already hear my critics "But it's only movies, only to have fun." I beg to differ. I think they are propaganda tools of the enemy created to erodethe belief system of Christians to prevent, and saved non-Christians, before the first. Before starting bent over me to another over-zealous Christians to save the world rages on, let me explain why I feel so.

Search first, to "Legion". Archangel Michael mutiny against God, obeying his orders, and decides that he will give to God what is not what he wants. I think another fallen angel who points out made above itGod has many names, Lucifer, the dragon, the serpent, the devil, Satan. But ultimately paid Michael's decision, and he is actually rewarded by God for his disobedience. Michael comes to Earth and cut the wings, making it "human" and not an angel. The symbolism here is very similar to Jesus coming to earth and the discharge of all his divinity might, for a simple man.

During the film, Angels bent on the destruction of people - particularlythe unborn child - (think of King Herod sought to destroy the Christ child and try to destroy the Terminator Sarah Connor) on the human body (imagine thinking Estate Agents included in the "Matrix movies), a system of angelic. I have problems with , sent by God to "hope for the future of humanity" to kill a number of reasons.

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy: I came that they may have life and have moreabundant. "

- John 10:10

Maybe I could have accepted demonic angels in this role, but the heavenly host.

"He shall give his angels charge over you to keep all of you on your way up."

- Psalm 91:11

Psalm 91:11 I just do not like an army of creatures mankind would be sound.

At one point in the movie, the man is hanging upside down on a cross ... another symbol of evil, not good. This was apparently done by the celestialHost in an attempt to drag the innocent and to get on the dinner, where the child's mother and former archangel Michael (and others) are holed up.

Then of course there's the whole issue of an unborn child who is destined to the hope of humanity. Sorry, you do not already happened? If I'm not mistaken, the Messiah has already come. He was born of the Virgin Mary. He died on the cross - right side up, I might add - for our sins. He was raised from the dead after threeDays, and who now sits in heaven with the Father.

So, where Jesus is still in "Legion"? No mention of him. Was not our prayers? Has not already paid the penalty for our sins?

Now I'm the first to admit that when God looked at me, sad for my loss and my disobedience to his written and spoken word, I would not be worth saving. The fact is that he is not looking for us. He is with Jesus, the sacrificial lamb in its place, looking for ourSurrogate. He does not look at us, but he who has paid the penalty of death for our sins, even though he was without sin.

The boldness of this film, in the name of entertainment, points out that his sacrifice was not sufficient to be "another" savior others "hope" for humanity, is a dangerous path to tread incredible and senseless. Add to this the suggestion that God lost faith in the people, but Michael has not (so then, Michael other savior of humanity?) And we end with avery confusing situation of God, angels, heaven, salvation, etc.

If our salvation is not complete, then there is hope for humanity.

Perhaps the reason why Jesus did not figure in "Legion, because this film was made after" The Da Vinci Code, "the 2006 blockbuster film adapted copied from a book of the same title, which became a million in all the worldwide bestseller with more than 80 have been sold to date.

In "The Da Vinci Code, Jesus married Mary Magdalene and had children. L 'The author, Dan Brown seems to be the Gnostic teaching that Jesus was just a human prophet and not the only-begotten Son of God to support. If this were true, then Jesus was alive, married, children, is dead and gone - end of story, no resurrection, no salvation for humanity.

Now there are some small bright spots in "Legion". In the end, mercy triumphs and Jeep, is simply used to confound the wise. But the problem with these books and films thatalmost biblical is that there is a strange mixture of evil with an almost biblical truth.

The enemy is smart. In the name of entertainment that can be saved and not saved alike flock to see these movies and read these books. He knows that our minds are fertile fields. All you have to do is plant a seed. A seed of doubt will grow like a seed of faith. In fact, probably better, because they get more food in the Mixed Up World as the seed of faith - unless theycare and attention.

They are able to 'The Da Vinci Code ", with a heated debate with another Christian, remember that it did not matter, he said. What if Jesus only human, after all, would not be bad for his faith. In fact, it would stronger because he identified more with him when he was a man, not God

The problem is that there would be no salvation. If Jesus only a prophet, just a teacher, just a good person, then we are doomed to eternal damnation.

"For theWages of sin is death, the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. "

- Romans 6:23

Praise God, he was much more. Praise be to God who is my savior, and that he still lives. Praise be to God who is my light and my salvation.

My biggest complaint is that determined the protagonist vs. antagonist, white hat vs. black hat, good versus evil scenario "Legion" places God in the role of villain. He complains to God in the role of destroyer instead ofRole of the Creator and Redeemer.

God is not in the starting blocks, the hand on the trigger, ready to exterminate mankind. God does not want one person to die. His mercy endure forever, and it seems to us - always - through the eyes of love, can not see our mistakes, our disappointments, or what we did wrong, but as his son for us.


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