Thursday, January 13, 2011

MY 2010 Movie Awards

So we have finally closed the book on 2010. Now that we are is the passage in the new year, when most people think again about a year ago. In the world of cinema, this is where film lovers and critics of the time to check last year. Do not forget the awards season. With Critics Choice Awards' in a few weeks and the Oscars less than two months, suffice it to say on the red carpet, it's official.

Today I am going to throw me in this very ring as we bring Couch Potato Club 2010 Movie Awards. Front, however, I like to go ahead and say that they are different from the big prize for doing this show. For one, you see some of the typical categories, but there will be some off-beat their own. Also call me crazy, but I think the biggest factor in evaluating a film is its entertainment value. Granted small facets of making a film to help everyone, a> Best Film, but I think that a film succeeds Entertainment 's technical expertise to determine whether it is good or not. So, I do not see this award, "artistic" films because of their "power cinema" (whatever the hell that is). Instead, I'll be the good old entertainment value to judge (with the drama, history, etc., factors).

So without further ado, here are the winners of the first edition of the Movie Club Couch PotatoAwards.

Best Film: Inception

For me, it came at the beginning and Black Swan. They are honest days brooding in my head, the year would be my movie. But at the end of Inception wins. perfect in a sense Inceptionwas. With clever writing, good acting, fun, action, great camera work and so on and so forth, the substance of the film turned out to be awesome with great style. Nolan has proven once again, because this is one of (if notLA) the majority of directors was looking for today. A narrative genius. After seeing this film made it clear to me what a god-send for Nolan is really Hollywood. Everyone in Hollywood should take notes. This is just like a movie blockbuster should be done. We must not deceive ourselves, the blockbuster action film will continue to bread and butter of Hollywood for some time to come. Even if this goes well, the problem is usually that they are so flat and cliché, and only"Eh." Usually just cool action scenes and stunning special effects. Inception not, though. This film has everything, but really brings substance to that style gives us a firm and go mind-bending/intelligent mesh. This blend is perfect Inception my film of the year.

Best Actor: James Franco - 127 hours

I've said it before and I'll say it again: you want to test the merit of an actor? Shootinghim in a movie where he's practically the only one ever on the screen and has even put the whole film. When all the weight of the film is certainly on his shoulders. Will he shine? Will he fall? This is the proof. Others have shown the same way (Will Smith, Tom Hanks). And really, I think this (and the "roll retard") is one of the greatest opportunities to test and see if an actor is one of the greats. So enter James Franco and 127Hours. Playing a mountaineer who is trapped under a rock and you're all alone, is Frank who left an entire movie on his own. Has happened? Damn right it does. this with flying colors. Keep it interesting and provide a range of emotions throughout the film and you suck all by himself, Franco had clearly shown the courage to face a difficult task and come out on top. For this reason he is my player of the year.

Best Actress: Natalie Portman - BlackSwan

Natalie performance in the psychological thriller Aronofsky is absolutely brilliant. Their best work to date in my opinion. A role-playing game that must eventually transition from girl sweet little princess' naive girl-gone-wild (in a dark side in some way), you hit every beat, without a step. I think the most important factor for a good Actor / Actress area. Everybody can in part that was made just for them (in line with their natural person) to shine, but the rangeand play different personality / character, if a plaintiff can demonstrate their true ability. In Black Swanalone Natalie Portman has shown in just 2 hours, which have a wider range around that most actresses. He put a wider range of services that most do in their entire career. For such a tour de Natalie Portman gets my vote as an actress of the year. I do not think that is still under discussion.

Best Supporting Actor: Christian Bale - L 'Fighter

Here is another that is not just an emotion and debate. Bale absolutely stole the show in every scene he appeared in The Fighter. The weight loss alone shows Bale dedication to his craft. About how could this crack head and person in the role of Dicky Eklund only further demonstrated, which is a terrific actor Bale missed. To show how brilliant his performance was, it showed video of Dicky real life during the opening creditsYou nailed the performance as well as Bale. E 'was almost like a mirror to Dicky.

Best Supporting Actress: Melissa Leo - Hunting

Yes, this is the cast of the fighter was fantastic. They are the ones that kept this movie afloat. Leo's turn as "white trash" mother dominance was great and was a further (along with the ability Bale), who helped this film really shine. Without these two, the fighterBombs.

Best Director: Darren Aronofsky - Black Swan

As I said, was up for best film of Black Swan and launch for me. Aronofsky's work here was damn near perfect. This was a brilliant director. From the camera angles, music, storytelling, he expressed his great work in conveying this story Aronofsky thriller appropriately at all levels have one. As one of my favorite modern, it's no wonder that Aronofsky to continueYear after year, impressed.

Best Screenplay: Mark Heyman, Andres Heinz, and John McLaughlin - Black Swan

For me / story writer probably the most important factor in determining whether a movie is fun. After all, without a compelling story and fun, then your movie is just going to suck. That said, it's no wonder this, for me, came to Black Swan and Inceptionagain, the two films are competing for my award for best film. But inEnd I have to go to Black Swan moving in this category. The story was great in my opinion. Very exciting and fascinating story to you through the place during the entire left. Finally, but there was subtext throughout the film. From the "life imitates art" to the "greed is consuming us all" to comment on how much pressure can be set for an entertainer and the risks that follow when lost in a performance of "perfect being. This script wasall of them and fired on many cylinders. Actually it was a great story and I liked how the main character to life the character began trying to play on stage is the mirror.

Best Ensemble Cast: The Fighter

I think that the support after the previous awards should come as no surprise. However, I want to say I was seriously considering the location for this award, which had a very good all-round performance by the entire cast. But the cast of The Fighterdo well in all areas. Also, Mark Wahlberg was pretty decent (and not particularly care for him). Although it was the weak link and his character was very boring. But all the other fine performances in the shot as a whole, really pulled the family in the film. Then the performances of Bale and Leo are really just pushed the whole thing over the top. Meanwhile, Amy Adams has expressed a strong performance on both feet.

Breakout PerformanceYear: Jennifer Lawrence - Winter's Bone

The film itself I found quite overrated. However, Jennifer Lawrence in winter Bone absolutely wonderful work, the role of Ree Dolly. If it were not for them, the whole film would be a wash. However, their performance was very enjoyable to watch. It is worth now more than I have witnessed that this girl is actually very successful actress. Before, I only got in 'The Bill Engvall Show'in which she plays the typical cliché ditzy teenager. Which, honestly, there are a million and a girl in the nation, and know that you could. Watch them get out of this stupid teen in this dark and compelling result was definitely an experience for me and showed me its value. But there's my Breakout Performance of the Year Award.

Best Action Movie: Inception

Inception to win here. Of course, my best movie of the year, but it is alsoThe victory in its category specific genre. The movie is firing on all cylinders for a nearly non-stop laughs, especially the last half of the film. The last half especially, shootouts and car chases and fights, etc. prove to be an adrenaline rush of action. Again, this is more or less perfected the Hollywood blockbuster action film.

Best Comedy: Get Him to the greek

Ok, here's where some disagree with me (if not already). However, it is my beliefBest comedy film that should primarily be based in the film was the most fun. Sure, there were movies I liked that better overall decrease in the comedy category (Scott Pilgrim), but do not touch on the scale of wanted to bring laughter to the Greeks. Russell Brand is just a joke. And his role was like the typical rock star and lots of fun. Even "P Diddy" (which I hate), I had cracked during the movie. For me it was really the most fun of the filmYear.

Best Animated Feature: How to Train Your Dragon

Yes, I know. Pixar are kicking to the curb and let someone else have this year, the price for Best Animated Film. Granted, I liked "Toy Story 3, but for me How to Train Your Dragon was only the movie was better and more fun. It 'was great, funny, inspiring and refreshing in its way. I really liked the film. How Train Your Dragon was one of those who had the heart and the depth andreally nice (both story-wise and animation). One that really speaks to adults and children.

Best Horror Film: Paranormal Activity 2

I loved the first and the sequel does not prove the contrary. Paranormal Activity think it has something of a savior for the horror that was. Part 2, which makes a saving grace in Hollywood as a mainstream franchise. With good speed and "Storytelling," Paranormal Activity 2, like its predecessor, the doorArt of tension and suspense of a new kind apparently dug. It does a great job, really get in your imagination and lets them loose, terrorizing the same turn. Really refreshing in a genre film, though I can not wait for Part 3 of this.

Best Thriller: The City

Yes, I realize, Black Swan is a thriller, and I absolutely agree that it is the best film. However, as the comedy, I feel the best thrillershould be judged fairly only in the aspect of "thrill". And while devouring Black Swan wanted to keep me and excited, the city drew from this a bit 'better. Perhaps because the effect of imperative that I do not know. But the city was just really on the edge of my seat from beginning to end more or less. The action was good, the film was so intense and the whole soon cease, as soon as he got to run, I could not help but be impressed by the fact that when I went toRoller Coaster Ride.

Best Docudrama: The Social Network

Social networking has spread like wildfire in recent years, it is not surprising that later became the basis of the film. The social network is not only the film but. One of the most talked about film and year of manufacture of a real film of the year to film, film is the all-around great movie, everyone should see. It could be theimportant films of today (or 'Catfish' its counterparty).

Best Indie Film: Buried

Another thriller, which keeps only fascinated by (yes, I seem to have a penchant for film-type thriller). With minimal set and minimal story and cast, buried just seems that it is set to disappoint. Despite these risks, although it is possible to be successful and a very exciting and engaging film with Reynolds, who wears well.

BestFight: hall-Zero Gravity Fight - Inception

The graphics and special effects was just one facet of what made Inception so impressive to me. And that fight scene was one of those who stood above the rest. Creative, nice to see action-packed, it was really just fighting a lot of fun and quite impressive.

Tearjerker of the Year: Toy Story 3

I cried in person? No, but I feel the "Toy Story 3 films a year, making it very likelysomeone cried. Perhaps the connection is having grown up with the series. Maybe it's just the depth of emotion in some scenes that hit home for most people in a real-life creation. Whatever it is, "Toy Story 3 in a safe manner for the water company has been running for some people. With scenes like the scene incinerator and the last time Andy with the toy (especially when they saw him, Woody is there, and concludes with a farewell toy that started it all), Toy Story is a 3 has its momentsthat really pull the strings of the heart.

Best On-Screen Couple: Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams - Blue Valentine

Both players are some of the younger actors around today (Gosling be my choice for best actor under 30 even). You really have to try here in this film too. Give great performances and powerful of the two lights together on the screen. The chemistry between the two is absolutely wonderful and the real / true emotion thatmediate during the film provides a good watch.

Best Villain: Graves Gideon (Jason Schwartzman) - Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

Jason Schwartzman is unconventional, more fun every time I see him. His appearance in Scott Pilgrim was just on the cake for a very good movie. Classic Schwartzman made the cake with humor and intelligence to the role was, my favorite bad movie as full ofVillains.

Worst Film of the Year: The Last Airbender

I'm saying that not even a little '. Everyone knows that sucks. Shyamalan once again demonstrates that, despite his last film (The Happening, terrible), that still overcome and make a bad movie amazing than ever. The boy has just arrived out of control down the drain.

Most overrated movie of the year: The Kids Are All Right

I'm sorry. E 'was not so good. The acting was decent. Mark Ruffalo was pretty much the saving grace of the film. Other than that the film was so pretentious and contrived, and just flat out boring. Not as good as the people to be (and benefits). It's not funny or amusing at all. And the film certainly does not deserve, as a candidate for Best Picture.

Most underrated film of the year: Kick-Ass

Of course, theFilm received decent reviews, it is even moderately well in his first opening weekend. However, I think, underestimated Kick-Ass for the year. Honestly, the movie, well .... Ass kicked. In fact, you can go as one of my first 10 or 15 most popular films of the year. And 'one of the best adaptations of comics I've seen in ages. For me it was even better than Pilgrim's competitorScott. A great and funny film really should have given more credit. Veryfun and more people should give it a shot.

Best TV Show (Drama): The Walking Dead

While there is usually my TV show, from sitcoms / comedy. However, there are a couple of plays I look here and there. The Walking Dead This year has proven to be one of those shows that new drug to me and showed me to be in love with her. It makes me impatient to see next season, and disappointed I have to wait so long.

Best TV Show (comedy): ModernFamily

With a fun ensemble and is written very funny, Modern Family has proved one of my new favorite TV show recently. And with "The Office" is more hit or miss, Modern Familyis that more and more to laugh at me. Above all, Eric Stonestreet as "Cam" always makes me laugh and really steals the show almost everything every time he appears. His performance is what brings them over the limit for me. Although Big Bang Theory, Jim Parsons to make performanceare in a close second for me.


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